Demonstration Callcards

Prior to the widespread rollout of cardphones in Ireland, a select few manufacturers (initially Gemplus and Schlumberger) provided test cards to Telecom eireann which were given to engieers to test the cardphone hardware.

Telecom Eireann Demo 1
Telecom Eireann Demo 1

This was the very first Telecom Eireann chip based demonstration card. This card was produced by French manufacturer Schlumberger, resulting[...]

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Telecom Eireann Demo 2
Telecom Eireann Demo 2

The Demo 2 Callcard was released to cardphone engineers prior to Telecom Eireanns widespread cardphone rollout in the late 1980's, early 199[...]

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Telecom Eireann Demo 3 "Ireland's First Callcard"
Telecom Eireann Demo 3 "Ireland's First Callcard"

This was the third demonstration Callcard to be produced prior to Telecom Eireann launching their first chipcard, IMI New Ways for the Ninet[...]

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Telecom Eireann Demo 6
Telecom Eireann Demo 6

The sixth Demonstration card, this time produced by Schlumberger. As with both Demo 1 and 2 cards, the chipset is installed in the AFNOR pos[...]

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