Collecting Callcards Nostalgia

Author: Nick RankinCreated: Saturday, May 11th 2013, 4:15 pm Modified: Friday, October 1st 2021, 3:58 pm
Eircom Callcard Club merchandise

Telecom Eireann Collectors club merchandise. Including Callcard folder, unit checker, pen and keyring.

Remember when you used to go around ransacking all the local card phones in the hope that someone left their used Callcard? The excitement felt when you found a "rare" 50 or 100 unit Callcard on the lucky days. For many people, Callcard collecting was an exciting hobby due to not knowing what you would find next. Would it be a private card, a limited release or just another Niamh from Tir Na Nog? Many collectors struck gold on some occasion, finding that all rare Rock of Cashel or that hard to find Oisin Returning from Tir Na Nog were all part and parcel with collecting Callcards.

As Callcard collecting was mainly done by youths, very few young collectors could afford the "big" 50 or 100 unit Callcards, likewise the private issues sold through the Callcard Club. This resulted in further excitement upon coming across a used Callcard left in the phonebox, particularly the higher unit values. 

15 or so years on and how times have changed. Young people today likely have no idea about Callcards or their function, or may never have even used a call box! With smartphones, the internet, computers being so accessible these days, it is unlikely for youths to be collecting anything. A sign of the times.

So is there still a use for phoneboxes or even Callcards?

Phoneboxes are still in use today, although I would imagine mainly by tourists or people without mobile phones. With mobile phones being more accessible and cheap, as well as boasting great coverage around the country, it is obviously going to have a knock on effect on phonebox use. How about the times when your phone looses signal, or the battery dies, however? Having a phonebox closeby in this event would be ideal. 

Do people still use Callcards, do Callcards still work in card phones?

Callcard Find

This Callcard was found left in a phonebox in May 2013!

Only just today, when out for my usual walk in Ranelagh, Dublin did I notice something placed on the small orange shelf of the local callbox. Having walked past the phonebox I then decided to go back to check if it was a Callcard. Unbelievably it was! A €7 Simply Talk card as pictured to the right. Seemingly in great condition I am curious to know where the card was purchased recently, or if someone just happened to have kept it until now. A quick check in some the local shops turned up nothing, but who knows!

Finding this card earlier today really felt nostalgic. Who would have thought that in 2013 it is still possible to use Callcards and to even find them in call boxes! So when you're out and about and passing by phoneboxes, take a peek inside, who knows there may be a Callcard left there!

Do you remember the last Callcard you found and where it was? Have you found a Callcard left in a phonebox in recent years? Do you know of any shops still selling Callcards? Why not let us know in the comments below! 


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Sjaak Buis Avatar
Sjaak Buis
Posted - 10 years ago

Ik verzamel telefoonkaarten en ook Eireland ik zoek nog enkele hopelijk is er iemand die me kan helpen.
Ik verzamel van de hele wereld.
Kijk op de Colnect site en je ziet wat ik te ruil en wens.

Nick Rankin Avatar
Nick Rankin (Administrator)
Posted - 11 years ago

Quoting Pete f
I started collecting callcards with a childhood friend back in the early 90's. we used to fight over territories in waterford. This was back when it wasn't so popular. Thinking back on it, I spent a lot of time collecting and money on some of the rarer cards. I loved it though. As I haven't paid much attention to my collection for about a decade, I was considering selling them. Does anyone buy them anymore. I had them valued back in th hay day and I know I have some rare chipsets, misprints, textures and low run cards. If anyone is interested, please get in contact. Over 500 cards in my collection. Pete

Hi Pete,

Feel free to get in touch with me: I still do have an interest in Callcards (hence the site :) ) and many others do also. Although interest nowadays has declined substantially certain Callcards are still worth a fair few quid. I would be happy to offer my help if you wish. I always suggest to people to attach photographs if possible as this will help me understand what cards you have so I can easily identify the particularly valuable cards :)



Pete f Avatar
Pete f
Posted - 11 years ago

I started collecting callcards with a childhood friend back in the early 90's. we used to fight over territories in waterford. This was back when it wasn't so popular. Thinking back on it, I spent a lot of time collecting and money on some of the rarer cards. I loved it though. As I haven't paid much attention to my collection for about a decade, I was considering selling them. Does anyone buy them anymore. I had them valued back in th hay day and I know I have some rare chipsets, misprints, textures and low run cards. If anyone is interested, please get in contact. Over 500 cards in my collection. Pete

Nick Rankin Avatar
Nick Rankin (Administrator)
Posted - 11 years ago

Hi Marian,

It would be best if you could email me pictures of your collection to nick[@] (remove the [] around '@') . I will be able to advise you about your Irish Callcards. You can visit the Callcard Chipsets blog post to help identify what chip your Callcard is using!


Marian Knopek Avatar
Marian Knopek
Posted - 11 years ago

I looked through your list of cards and see different chips and different numbers issued. How do I know which chip my card has and are one type more valuable /scarce than others. I have 1,000 cards.

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